Raj Vora

Developer: [ "Web", "Mobile Application" ]

Current Role: Computer Science graduate student at University of Florida

You can get in touch with me at rajvora1998@gmail.com or (352)888-2527.


Web Applications


Chrome Extension to share your streaming accounts with your friends without giving out your passwords

Tech Stack: Javascript, Firestore, Express, NodeJS, EJS, JQuery


Recipe Search

A basic reactJS application to search recipe based on ingredients or recipe name. The recipe can also be filtered on the basis of types of diet and allergic restrictions.

Teck Stack: React, Materialize CSS, Express, Edamam Recipe API

Recipe Search


Social Media and travelers are something that goes a long way together. So rather than travelers adjusting their content for social media. We decided to build social media tailor made for their needs

Tech Stack: EJS, AngularJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, CSS, JavaScript


Expense Manager

Expense manager for an individual as well as for group expenses. Major feature was using OCR to get the bill amount and restaurant name. Worked on this during KJSCE HACK 2018.

Teck Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL

Expense Manager

Mobile Applications

Smart Lock

Smart lock for homes implementing NSDT as it’s chief aspect. This was my Final Year Project at K J Somaiya College of Engineering.

Tech Stack: Flutter, Python, Firebase, Chirp

Smart Lock

Bitcoin Ticker

A crypto currency price checking app. Monitor your bitcoin investents on the move! Shows the rate for BTC, ETH, LTC for all major currencies.

Tech Stack: Flutter, CoinAPI.io

Bitcoin Ticker

Outfit Planner

Android application to assist blind/colorblind people in choosing their attire.

Tech Stack: Android Studio; Heroku; Python- Flask, Webcolors

Outfit Planner


A weather app inspired by the beautiful designs made by Olia Gozha. Able to find out the live weather data in the current location of the device as well as the weather for any city you can think of!

Tech Stack: Flutter, OpenWeatherMap API


BMI Calculator

Body Mass Index Calculator inspired by the beautiful designs made by Ruben Vaalt. A multi screen app with simple functionality but full-on custom styling.

Tech Stack: Flutter

BMI Calculator


A simple To-Do List App that implements use of Provider package and ChangeNotifier to manage state.

Tech Stack: Flutter


Flutter UIs

Messaging Application

Messaging application UI with contact list screen and chat screen

Tech Stack: Flutter


Budget Management

Budgeting application UI with a overall spending screen and category specific spending

Tech Stack: Flutter


Social Media

Social media application UI with login, feed and profile screen

Tech Stack: Flutter

Social Media

Food Delivery

Food delivery application UI with main screen, restaurant screen and checkout/cart screen

Tech Stack: Flutter

Food Delivery
